Saturday, April 16, 2005

Preparation in Toronto

This is my first time in Toronto when the weather has been nice. The city is really alive! I am here doing some preparation for my job in South Africa. I am here for the weekend and then I am off to London, England. I will be in London all day Monday were I will get in as much of the city as possible. I leave London Monday evening for a ten hour flight to Johannesburg, S.A.

Yesterday I spoke with Saratu, the person who I will be working with in S.A. She told me I will be staying in a house with 8 other people from Germany, Estonia, Kenya, and South Africa. This will definately be an adventure for me. Right now it is winter in most of Africa, so the weather will not be too unbearable. The tempuratures will range from 5 - 25 celcius. However, the houses do not have central heating so the nights will be cold. When I spoke with Saratu she told me when it is 5 outside it is -6 inside. Funny joke.

That's all for now, more when I get to Jo'burg.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! »

12:28 PM  

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