Wednesday, April 20, 2005

London - Heathrow Airport

I left Toronto Sunday night for London. The flight was quite turbulant so I could not sleep. On the flight, I watched the movie Spanglish and Ocean's 12. Spanglish is about a spanish woman coming to America to be a maid for a rich obnoxious woman. The rich woman's husband is played by Adam Sandler, who is great in it. Over all the movie is quite good.

When I arrived in Heathrow, I was quite exausted. Due to this, I decided not to venture downtown. I spent the entire 11 hours touring the massive city of an airport and sleeping. The airport itself was a bit of a culture shock to me because of it's size and range to people. Where ever I went, there were people speaking various languages such as German, French, and British;). In order to travel between the 4 terminals, you have to take a bus which drives on the left-hand side of the road.

One funny character at the airport was an asian gentleman with the funniest form of turrets I ever seen. Instead of blurting out random noises or swears, he made sounds like a cat. From hissing to meowing. At first, I thougt there was an actual cat behind me it sounded so real. Crazy.

My flight was scheduled to depart from Heathrow @ 6:55pm, so I kept checking the screen for my gate number. While I was having something to eat, I noticed the flight came up at gate 30. I finished up my meal and began walking over to the terminal with enough time to go. When I arrived at the terminal, I found that the flight was South African Airways, not British Airways that I was supposed to be on. I asked the attendant where my gate was and she informed me that it was at the opposite end of the terminal...a 30 minute walk. It was 15 minutes before my flight was to take off! Needless to say, I sprinted across the entire terminal. Thankfully, I made it just in time as they were a bit behind. Fun times!


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