Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Children's Day

On June 4th, Me and a few members from the Epiphany program took 30 children to the Johannesburg Zoo. All the children we took were from an HIV/AIDS orphanage called Cotland's. Cotland's has both a sanctuary for children who have been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and a hospice for children living with the disease.

We had been planning the day out since I had arrived in Jo'burg because we wanted to make it special for the children. The food for the event was sponsored by Shoprite & Coca-Cola. Shoprite donated about 60 oranges and Coke donated 48 drinks. When the kids saw the 8 of us walking up with all those oranges and drinks they were so excited. We decided to give them the food at the beginning of the day so they could focus for the rest. A slight misjudgement by us. These treats made the kids super hyper. This made the experience a bit more interesting to say the least.

Overall, both the kids and the hosts enjoyed the zoo a lot. I especially loved seeing all the animals I had never got to experience in Canada. This particular zoo boasts over 340 different species of animals including: elephants, lions, polar bears, giraffes, and monkeys! The entire place was so big we could not take it all in over the course of a day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The day was very rewarding, not only in terms of seeing what's been planned taking place but the energy and enthusiasm from everyone involved, especially the super hyperactive children!

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:06 PM  

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