Friday, June 24, 2005

South African Youth Statistics

Hey Everyone,
I found this article in a local magazine and thought it was very interesting. Check it out and feel free to post any comments.
If South Africa was represented holistically in terms of 100 young people (aged 5-15) in a room, it would look something like this:

80 are Black
9 are White
9 are Coloured
2 are Indian

50 live below the poverty line

50 will not work in the future

18 are HIV positive

24 speak Zulu as their first language
17 speak Xhosa as their first language
14 speak Afrikaans as their first language
8 speak English as their first language

30 are unlikely to be married by 35

57 live in urban areas

2 head a household

17 say Nelson Mandela is their role model
12 say Rebecca Malope is their role model
5 say President Thabo Mbeki
10 have no role model

68 believe racial prejudice still exists

51 are homophobic

75 attend township schools
53 will continue until grade 12
36 will complete it
8 will go onto University

3 have had abortions
41 have had sex
29 are regularly sexually active

6 have used cocaine
11 have used heroin
6 use club drugs
11 have used inhalants
23 are binge drinkers
21 smoke cigarettes

17 have tried to commit suicide

30 have been in a fight this month
14 are in a gang
17 have recently carried a weapon

8 have forced someone to have sex

0 have lived under structural apartheid
100 live with its economic effects


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really interesting ;)

9:19 AM  

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