Thursday, July 14, 2005

Live 8

Last week, I had the opportunity to take in the Johannesburg Live 8 Concert. Live 8 is a series of simultaneous concerts around the world with the aim of "Making Poverty History". Each venue features 8 prodominant world musicians, such as U2, Maddonna, Coldplay, Sting, Paul McCartney, and Elton John. The South African concert put emphasis on National bands, which were all very good.

I attended with a few native South Africans, who were really excited about all the performers. We arrived early in the day and stayed until the end. In total, I would geuss there were over 200,000 in attendance. Each person there put out a certain energy and it gave the whole event a special vibe. Everywhere you went there were groups of people dancing and really into it.

All the energy made the day very special for me, but the final appearance made it one I will never forget. The host came on stage and started talking about this incredible person. A person who has changed South Africa through his strenth and un-comparable determination. A person who spent 27 years in prision for what he believed in - Freedom. The crowd immediately errupted. Then an old, hunched over man canned his way on stage. I was in complete shock....could this be Mandela? When he came to the podium he became alive as if he were young again. His presence was immediate and the crowd became instantly silent. He began speaking about the need for reform in the way the world views poverty. It was one of the stangest feelings I have ever had. I felt like this was really a historical event and I was a part of it! What makes it even more significant is that this speech will likely be Mandela's last because he announced his retirement. What an incredible experience!


Blogger Kimchi said...


I think its awesome that you went for the Genesis CEED! You are helping AIESEC to take an important step in a direction we should put more effort into. And to tell you the truth: I envy you (also cause you saw Mandela!!! How cool is that?!). Keep up the good work,have a great time and I cant wait to read more about your adventures!

Hugs from Germany,
jen :)

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site

2:48 PM  
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4:16 PM  

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